Monday, April 11, 2011

Descriptive Geometry Notes

Manipulating(rotate) picture planes(surfaces) in order to identify:
  • TSize
  • TShape
  • TLength
  • Tangle
  • Intersection
  • Distances
True length lines
  • If a line is parrallel to a fold line in one view, it is true length in the next
Point View
  • First find TL o fline
  • Create fold line perpindicular to the TL line
PO- point

  • First find TL of one line
  • Create a fold line perpindicular to the TL line to get the edge view(EV) of the surface
  • Create a foldline parallel to edge view
  • Draw a line parrallel to F1 from 1 point to the line you want TL of
  • Project the point where it hits the line you want TL of to the next view on the same line
  • Connect that point to the point you started with wich gives you a TL line
  • create FL perpindicular to TL which will give you your EV including a point
  • Create FL parrallel to EV which will give you your TSS surface