Monday, February 28, 2011

Dimension Notes

  • ANSI standards
    • no arbitrary
    • standard way of positioning dimensions, why?
    • describe size
    • locate details
Basic Rules
  • For convienence for manufactor
  • No calculations necessary
  • no duplications
Dim line
  • 1st 3/8 of an in. (9mm) from the object line should be
  • lines and symbols inside extension lines if possible
Extension lines
  • Extend from object but 1/16 inch (2mm) gap between object and extension line
  • Scale=Dim. scale
  • runon angle so obvious not part of drawing
  • 1/4 inch tail
  • arrow if to edge, dot if to surface
  • crosss few lines
  • any<except horizontal or vertical
  • don't pass through corners
  • First big 3 H,W,D
  • in between viewws if possible
  • off view where detail is best described
  • do not dim from a hidden line
  • locate from common corner
  • smallest dim closest to object
  • no calc.
  • no duplications
Angle dim
  • Draw at same angle as object being dim
  • use degree symbol %%D
  • ARC-anything less then full circle dimas radius
  • circle always diam %%C
Circular objects
  • Cylinder-in profile (side) view
  • hole-where it shows as a hole


  • Hold precise tolerances for interchange ability
  • how much a dim can vary
  • Basic size- exact size
  • Tolerance- amount  a dim can vary from basic size
  • feature-identify geometry
  • limits of size- max or min from exact size
  • allowance-limits where smallest clearance of largest interference occurs measured at mmc
Maximum Material condition
  • limit of a dim where the max material is left on the part
Least material Condition
  • limit of dim where least amount of maaterial is left on part
    • Types of fit
      • Clearance-space between parts
      • Interference- force fit
      • Transition-diff combos, diff fits

Auxiliary Views

  • Sometimes you needd more then 3 views
  • seconday view used to show true size and shape (TSS)
    • perpindicular to recommended surface
  • TSS when its edge is parallel to the fold line